Enrolment Process
General enrolments for St Joseph’s Primary School can be taken at any time during the year.
Please know we are a school for everyone and anyone, so please contact us regardless of your denomination.
We extend an invitation to new families to visit our school for a tour. We are very proud of our teachers, our facilities, our families and each other. Families are encouraged to visit St Joseph’s on any normal school day so as to give you a true indication of how our school operates.
Enquiries can be made through our school office and an appointment with the Principal and a school tour will be arranged.
Ph: (03) 5154 1289
Enrolment Application Process for ALL STUDENTS
Existing Families
- Applications open – enrolment forms are able to be submitted after 26th April 2024
- Applications close last school day of term 3 (please contact the school if you would like to apply after this date)
- All offers of placement made between July & September
- Acceptances of offer due from families – 7 days after offer of placement has been made
New Families
- Applications open at the beginning of Catholic Education Week (19th May).
- By law, children must turn five by the 30th of April of their first year of school.
- It is not compulsory to be Catholic to join our school.
- Upon receipt of the completed Application for Enrolment form your child will be placed on the waitlist for entry into the year level requested.
- An appointment will be made with the Principal for an interview.
- The purpose of the interview is to identify the child’s interests and strengths and any areas where extra challenge or support may be required.
- If successful, a formal offer of enrolment will be sent, together with a Confirmation of Enrolment for completion.
- The school will then confirm a place.
- Acceptances of offer due from families – 7 days after offer of placement has been made
Foundation Enrolments
Foundation enrolments are also taken at any time however St Joseph’s focuses on Prep enrolments between August and September each year. Children must meet the required age of turning five by the 30th of April in the Foundation year and they must have all the relevant forms and certificates completed. Information regarding enrolment requirements can be obtained from the school office during school hours.
St Joseph’s offers Foundation children a smooth transition to their primary school life through an extensive Foundation Transition Program held during November in year prior to your child starting school. To enrol your child for their Foudnation year, please download our school enrolment forms below and send them via email or in person at our school office between 9:00am and 4:00pm, Ph: (03) 51541289 or kdaly@stjorbost.catholic.edu.au
Enrolment Information Packs are available from the school office. Completed Enrolment Application Forms must be accompanied by:
- A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate – compulsory
- An immunisation certificate – compulsory (may be obtained from your local council or Medicare)
- Court Orders (if relevant) – must be current
- Concession Card (if applicable)
- A copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate (if applicable)
New Enrolments at Other Year Levels
Prospective families are welcome to make an appointment to tour the school and meet with our staff. Parents of new applicants are required to complete the Enrolment Application Form and attend an interview with the Principal.